Physical Activity Challenge: Article 6
Staying Hydrated while staying active
9/5/20242 min read
While staying active this summer, it is also important to remember to stay hydrated! Hydration is extremely important to our health in general, and especially important with physical activity. When we are active, we sweat, which increases our water need. Other things that increase our water need include heat, running a fever, and with pregnancy or breast feeding.
A lack of water can lead to dehydration, which may leave you feeling run down. Symptoms of dehydration include dry mouth, dizziness, lightheadedness, headache, confusion, fatigue, and muscle cramping. To prevent dehydration, make sure you are drinking the water your body needs. You may be wondering, how much water do I really need to drink? This actually depends on each individual person. Many factors come into play, including overall health, activity level, and what climate you live in. You have probably heard the advice to drink 8 glasses of water per day. It is easy to remember, and it is a reasonable goal. Start with this, and if you were more active or in the heat that day, try to drink more. If you are thirsty, use that as a sign that you need to be drinking more water as well.
How do I know if I’m drinking enough water? Something no one wants to talk about is their urine color, but this is actually one of the best indicators of hydration. If your urine is pale yellow then you are well hydrated, but if your urine is dark yellow then you may need to drink more water.
Getting the recommended water intake plus the added water for being physically active can be difficult for some. Then when you add in the water loss from being out in the summer heat, it can be hard to catch up! Here are some tips to drink more water:
· Carry a reusable water bottle with you. Some water bottles even have goal markers that help you keep track of your water intake!
· Try to make water your beverage of choice. Choose water over sodas and other sugary drinks.
· Order water when eating out.
· Drink water during meals.
· Add lemon or lime to your water.
· Drink water before, during, and after exercise.
If you are over 65 and want to kick start your activity, stop by our office for a free starter kit. These kits even include a water bottle with goal markers to help you stay hydrated and keep track of your water intake! They also include a wellness journal, stretch bands, chair exercise guide, and much more!
Don’t forget! Kidder County District Health Unit is promoting a county-wide physical activity challenge for all ages running from July 1st through August 31st. Anyone who charts at least 30 days of at least 30 minutes of physical activity during this timeframe is eligible for a prize! Prizes are split up by age groups. Prizes include:
Youth-12 years: each get a prize and 3 bigger prize drawings
Kids 13-18 years: $100 Scheels gift card
Adults 19-64 years: $100 cash
Adults 65+ : $100 cash
Individuals can pick up calendars to chart activity for the months of July and August at KCDHU, Mad Moves, Kidder County Swimming Pool, Kidder County Library, any Senior Center in Kidder County, or the Steele Pharmacy. Turn in your calendars no later than September 3rd to be entered for prize drawings!
Questions? We would love to hear from you! Call Kidder County District Health Unit at 701-475-2582.