Physical Activity Challenge: Article 4

Muscle Strengthening

9/5/20242 min read

In addition to the recommended 150 minutes of physical activity per week, muscle-strengthening activities should be included at least 2 days a week. Muscle strengthening makes your muscles do more work than they are used to. This type of physical activity provides many benefits, such as increased bone strength, improved heart health, decreased risk for injury, and decreased risk for falls. No specific amount of time is recommended, but these exercises should be performed until it is difficult to do another repetition. Examples of this type of activity include lifting weights, working with resistance bands, pushups, and even yoga! This may seem daunting. Here are some easy and realistic suggestions to fit muscle strengthening into your weekly activity routine.

Use your own body weight: Squats, push-ups, sit ups, lunges, chair exercises and leg lifts.

Elastic or resistance bands: This is a very adaptable way to fit in some muscle strengthening. Shorten or lengthen the band in order to increase or decrease the difficulty.

Everyday tasks: Carrying groceries, climbing stairs, digging when gardening, and shoveling snow are all forms of muscle strengthening!

Multicomponent physical activity: Physical activity that includes both aerobic and muscle strengthening activity. Yoga, tai chi, dancing, gardening, and sports are great examples, because they incorporate multiple types of activity into one.

Physical Therapy: Muscle strengthening that is done as a part of physical therapy or rehab program counts as well!

If you are over 65 and want to kick start your activity, stop by our office for a free starter kit. These kits include stretch bands and a chair exercise guide to help you get started on some muscle strengthening activity. Also included is a wellness journal, water bottle, grippy socks, and much more!

Don’t forget! Kidder County District Health Unit is promoting a county-wide physical activity challenge for all ages running from July 1st through August 31st. Anyone who charts at least 30 days of at least 30 minutes of physical activity during this timeframe is eligible for a prize! Prizes are split up by age groups. Prizes include:

Youth-12 years: each get a prize and 3 bigger prize drawings

Kids 13-18 years: $100 Scheels gift card

Adults 19-64 years: $100 cash

Adults 65+ : $100 cash

Individuals can pick up calendars to chart activity for the months of July and August at KCDHU, Mad Moves, Kidder County Swimming Pool, Kidder County Library, any Senior Center in Kidder County, or the Steele Pharmacy. Turn in your calendars no later than September 3rd to be entered for prize drawings!

Questions? We would love to hear from you! Call Kidder County District Health Unit at 701-475-2582.