
Back to School Immunizations

8/10/20231 min read

Whoa! School is already starting – where did that summer go?! If you are like me, it totally snuck up on you and you are making lists of “Things to do/get” before school starts!

One thing to add to that ever-growing list: making sure your kiddo is up to date on all vaccinations!

If your child was all caught up on the “baby shots” – booster doses come due at Kindergarten, 7th, and 11th grade entry! If you have a child entering those grade levels – please get those vaccines completed as they are required for school.

K+ entry:

· DTaP (tetanus/diptheria/whooping cough) and Polio combo vaccine

· MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) and Varicella (chickenpox) combo vaccine

7th grade:

· Tdap (tetanus) vaccine

· MCV4 – meningitis vaccine covering 4 strains

11th grade:

· MCV4 booster

You can call your child’s primary care provider to schedule these immunizations. We do offer these vaccines at our office here in Steele, ND. We are open 9-4:30pm M-Th, 9-12:30pm on Fridays. We accept MOST insurance, including Medicaid. If your child does not have insurance please call us – we can help.

We are happy to look up your child’s immunization record if you have any questions on if they are up to date! Please call us at 475-2582.